How a ticket moves through statuses

How a ticket moves through statuses

We will examine how tickets move through different statuses and how macros could help you update tickets with the correct information as they move from one status to the next.

Standard process

  1. It all begins when a customer sends in an email request asking for help. 
  2. This generates a New ticket in Support.
  3. Once an agent takes the ticket, it moves to the Open status. 
  4. As the conversation happens, the ticket remains Open.
  5. When the agent has solved the customer’s issue, they will submit the ticket as Solved.
  6. From this point, there are two things which can happen -- the customer may write back needing further support, in this case, the ticket would reopen, OR the system automatically sets the ticket to Closed after four days. Four days is the default time a ticket will be closed out, but admins have the ability to change this time frame.

Alternate process

  1. Again, it all starts with an email from the customer. 
  2. The ticket is assigned to a group automatically when it first comes into Support, meaning it will stay in the New status until an agent takes it.
  3. The agent finds the ticket by going to a view that is associated with tickets in the group they’re assigned to and takes the ticket. Now that an agent is assigned to work on the ticket, its status moves to Open.
  4. Upon opening the ticket, the agent realizes they need more information from the customer, so they put the ticket into Pending status while awaiting that information. 
  5. When the customer replies with the needed information, the ticket is automatically put into the Open status, alerting the agent it needs attention. 
  6. The agent resolves the ticket, sets it to solved, and it is closed by the system in 4 days.


Another way to update tickets with the correct information is by using a macro. Macros save you time and effort since this feature automatically updates a ticket or sends a reply to your customer. You can use macros to perform a number of tasks on a ticket including: updating a ticket, changing a ticket subject, adding or removing ticket tags, changing a ticket status, and much more.

Knowledge Check

Question 1: Who is this ticket assigned to? What is the first action you would perform as an agent?

Open ticket displaying the fields located on the left panel.

Figure 9. Ticket in Open status

Knowledge Check

Question 2: What type of comment would you use to reply to this request? What status would the ticket be submitted in?

Open incident displaying the conversation fields.

Figure 10. Ticket in Open status